Thursday, February 25, 2010

Void filling

Liberal Princeton University economist, Paul Krugman posted a recent column about what to do about deficits now that "starve the beast" has apparently reached a dead end. More after the jump
His conclusion: we've reached the point that feeding the beast requires slaughtering sacred cows. He further concludes the political unwillingness to do that is not going to be overcome by mounting deficits and potential financial catastrophe. Whats next? Why you ask does this affect employers? Aside from the economic issues we have seen a decrease in funding regulatory agencies ever since Reagan. The current administration is increasing funding for DoL, the NLRB and the other agencies regulating employee relations, but thats not the only thing. Filling the void increasingly are state initiatives, including the criminalization of certain employer practices. Evidence the enforcement action against an NYC retailer by Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.